We have a great IEP team and have good, open communication between all members of the team.
I requested an o&m evaluation at her first IEP Meting in kindergarten. O&M was later added to this kindergarten IEP during the annual review later in the school year.
Standardized testing begins in the spring semester of 1st grade in our state. The IEP team did not begin to address accommodations for standardized testing until her annual review in late winter of 1st grade. Members of the IEP team stated that discussions regarding standardized testing should have begun during her kindergarten IEP annual review. As a parent I did not know how complicated standardized testing accommodations can be. We needed to call an additional meeting to add and review accommodations for standardized testing after the initial IEP annual review January. We were able to get this done in time for her first standardized test, but it was scramble to get the right accommodations in place for the first test in early March (TVI had to search for large print copy of test within a week or two of the test date). I would recommend discussing standardized testing accommodations at least one year before they will be needed to be sure everything is in place. The vice principal that coordinates testing materials for the school was invited to attend the IEP meeting and provided valuable insight.